Overview: Adding a user from a group will also grant them access to records such as requisitions, jobs, and employee contracts assigned to that group. Depending on the user's role, they can view the details of the records and action them accordingly.
There are two ways to add a user to a group:
1. Add from user level:
- Navigate to "Settings > Company Settings"
- Click on the "User permissions" tab
- Select the user you want to add to a group
- In the "Groups" field, type or find the group name from the dropdown, then select it
- Click "Save" to update your changes
2. Add from group level:
- Navigate to "Settings > Company Settings"
- Click on the "Groups" tab
- Select the group from which you want to add a user or users
- In the "Group members" field, type or find the user's name from the dropdown, then select it
- Click "Save" to update your changes
For more information on managing groups and their members, refer to the following articles: